Brighton & Hove CBT
Brighton & Hove | Sussex | 07961 779010

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

In the first instance, it is good for you to contact us via email or phone to find out whether CBT could be the right treatment for you, and suggest what kind of length of treatment you may need, using the contact page.

CBT sessions are for 50 minutes and usually weekly at the same time, but it may be appropriate to arrange more or less frequent sessions depending on the stage of therapy. At our first or second meeting we come to an agreement about the number of sessions we want to arrange. A course of cognitive behavioural therapy usually lasts between 10 and 20 sessions but it can also be longer depending on your situation and difficulties and this can be revised at any point.

Therapy requires a trusting relationship and whilst the therapist may encourage you to question and challenge established ways of thinking and acting she will do this from a non-judgemental and accepting stance. CBT is about changing thought patterns and behaviours that are no longer helpful. Sometimes there will be reading, written exercises, or behavioural tasks to help you to make changes, between sessions. This is called ‘CBT homework’ and is a standard practice of treatment. These duties are rarely onerous and can be completed in a few minutes each day.

As accredited therapists we adhere to the BABCP ‘Standards of Conduct, Performance and Ethics’. You can view these along with further useful information about Cognitive Behaviour Therapy on the association’s website

Standard treatment costs from £85-110 a session. Concessions are available for people claiming income support jobseekers allowance, disability benefit but places are limited. If you are a refugee, asylum seeker or destitute migrant, sessions are free – please see the BERTS page on how to make a referral.

The Small Print!

Your weekly appointment is ‘your time’ and it is important that you come regularly to maintain a sense or trust and progress.


Many clients who haven’t been to therapy before have concerns about confidentiality. Generally, information from and about you is kept strictly confidential. There are times when your therapist would share information with others but there are stringent safeguards in place.

For clinical supervision:

In order to ensure the quality of our work with your therapist may discuss aspects of it with a clinical supervisor. However, this will be done respectfully, only as clinically relevant and without any unnecessary identifying details.

We might agree that it would be helpful if your therapist spoke to someone who is involved in your care. In this case she would clarify with you in advance what the purpose and remit of the information sharing is and obtain your consent to give information. Alternatively, if someone requested information from your therapist, this would only be released if she knew that you had given your consent for to do so.

There are, however, two exceptions to confidentiality: If your therapist is compelled to break confidence by a court of law. If the information you have given is of such gravity that confidentiality cannot be maintained, for example if there is a possibility of harm to yourself or others, or in some cases of serious crimes. However, also in these instances your therapist will endeavour to speak to you first and seek your consent before breaching confidentiality where possible.

If you have questions about any of the above or other aspects of confidentiality please let us know.